taxonomic classification中文什么意思

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  1. 4 . the result of soil taxonomy consist fundamentally with that of the genetic classification and the boundaries roughly identify with each other , indicating the taxonomic classification is based on the genesis theory and the two classification system are touched tightly
  2. Abstract : according to the chinese soil taxonomic classification ( revised proposal , 1995 ) and our data and information for classification of linze zone in the hexi corridor , the authors propose a taxonomic classification of soils of linze zone in the hexi corridor , in which all the soils are divided into 4 soil orders ( anthrosols , aridisols , gleysols and cambisols ) , 4 soil suborders , 5 soil groups and 8 soil subgroups
    文摘:根据《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案) 》 ( 1995 ) ,对河西走廊临泽样区土壤进行了系统分类研究,提出了临泽样区土壤系统分类方案:将土壤分为4个土纲(人为土、干旱土、潜育土和雏形土) , 4个亚纲, 5个土类和8个亚类。
  3. Fourteen typical profiles of different altitude on the south slope of the taibai peak of qinling mountaint , which is 3767 meters in altitude , were researched in this study . by field survey , the physical and chemical characteristics anasysis of the soils , we studied thoroughly the soil genetic , discussed the positions in taxonomic classification and the distribution of the soils on the basis of the keys to chinese soil taxonomy ( 3rd edition ) , and to provide the foundation of soil taxonomy of mountain and resources development
    本研究以海拔3767m的秦岭主峰太白山南坡不同海拔高度的14个典型土壤剖面为研究对象,通过野外调查、室内理化性质分析,研究了土壤的发生特性,以《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版) 》为依据,确定了其在系统分类中的地位和分布界线。旨在为山地土壤系统分类和土壤资源开发利用提供依据。


  1. taxonomic 什么意思
  2. taxonomic approach 什么意思
  3. taxonomic botany 什么意思
  4. taxonomic category 什么意思
  5. taxonomic character 什么意思
  6. taxonomic clustering 什么意思
  7. taxonomic distance 什么意思
  8. taxonomic frequency rate 什么意思
  9. taxonomic groupings 什么意思
  10. taxonomic hierachy 什么意思


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